Glitter Gang

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I am so happy to announce a new section of this website that I hope will be helpful for all of my rave babes as they go into planning for festival season. When I first started raving and going to fests, I struggled to figure out which events to go to, where to stay, and what to expect. Anytime I decided to go to a festival that I didn't know much about I had to search all of over the internet and ask a million people if they had gone and could tell me what it was like and what to expect. It was a complete nightmare. I remember wishing that there had been someone who could walk me through every event that popped up in my Insta feed and let me know what I would be getting myself into if I decided to go. Let's face it, festivals aren't exactly cheap and not every member of our community is one hundred percent accepting or helpful to newcomers. Don't get me wrong, we are a beautiful community, but as I have discussed before on this site, as well grow the more, we start to include those who may not be the most open.

With this is in mind I am going to be publishing festival guides for the major festivals in Southern California over the next few months.

These articles will include basic info you need to know, as well as some fun tips and tricks as far as the venues, vibes, and event organizers are concerned. Obviously, a little bit of my opinion is going to get mixed up in anything that I post on here, but I am going to try and keep it as general as possible. The very first guide to go up is going to be for Secret Project here in LA, one of my favorite events last year. Because these are going to be a little more specific and I plan to update them over time (as I attend more than once or locations and other details change), I will be putting them in their own special section of the site! You should be able to find the guides by going to the menu bar and clicking on the tab 'Festival Guides.'

I hope that these guides help you find your new favorite festival while removing the stress that comes with uncertainty around something new.