(PSA: None of them are that we want you to hit on us)
Photo by artist Sara Shakeel
Because we feel good in them
Yup. One of the main reason we wear tiny tops and bikini bottoms to raves is that we like the way our body looks in them. Raving is one of the few places where there is zero judgment. As a generation of young woman who have all had their share of body image issues, it’s hard to explain what it means to feel comfortable in a bikini and fishnets surrounded by thousands of strangers.
So yeah, it’s not because we want you to hit on us.
Because we want to dance without a ton of unnecessary fabric in the way
We like to dance. We want to shuffle, jump, shimmy, bounce around- whatever. We love to move to the music, and after awhile wearing anything more then a swimsuit is going to be more of a nightmare than anything else. You wouldn’t tell a swimmer they need to wear a ski suit. Don’t tell a raver that they need to be covered up if they don't want to get hit on, because that would be like taking Serena Williams' tennis racket and telling her she'd be fine at the Open without it.
So yeah…still not because we want you to hit on us.
Because it gets hot AF out in heart of the crowd
As anyone who’s been to a concert, festival, or a club knows, it gets HOT in the crowd. Now imagine that heat from sundown to sunrise. We know that to some a tube top and hot pants may look like a signal that we want you to come and ask for out numbers, but really it’s because we’re not interested in sweating in jeans and a t-shirt for eight-plus hours.
So…yeah. It’s still not because we want you to hit on us.
Because it’s fun
There are pretty much no other places on earth where you can wear a thong and pasties, cover it with a fishnet top and not get looked at like you’re out of your mind. Some of us just like the fantasy of being able to put on a crazy harness and a wig, or platforms and hot pants and become someone else for a few hours. We aren’t wearing any of it because we want to look sexy for you, random stranger who's been really unsubtle about staring at our butt.
So, yeah….still not about you.
Because we can
Surprise! Yes, it may seem obvious but the fifth reason is because we can. Yeah. It seems simple enough but we think it’s worth mentioning. Women can wear whatever the hell they want and it doesn’t mean that they have any interest in you, your number, or your attention. So the next time you think about going up to a girl because she’s wearing a two piece or, showing off a lot of skin, and assume its because she must want you, maybe stop and think twice about it.
Maybe she’s just overheated from too much dancing.