All in Ask a Raver


Raves are all about acceptance and respecting others. Yeah, there will always be a few people who ruin your vibe for a split second at an event, but I have never attended something that hasn’t left me feeling like the best version of myself. Raving gave me my confidence back. Raving gave me my happiness again. Most importantly, raving gave me my life back. Before I found music festivals, I was rudderless and genuinely unsure if I would ever be able to be truly happy again. Now, when I’m not raving, I try to spread as much of the positivity that I have found at events with the other people in my life.


I am so glad to introduce the newest segment of the blog: β€œAsk A Raver.” Since I started writing about raving, I have wanted to make this a part of the site, and I am so happy that it is finally happening. Every time I go to an event, I feel as though I always meet the most amazing people and learn new tips and tricks from them, and I wanted to create a platform for veterans, newbies, and everyone in between to share what they love about and have learned from raving.